Matthew DeTroy


It wasn't until my eye surgery a few years ago that I started drawing again on a regular basis. I’ve been drawing since I was very young, but as my life’s path has twisted and turned, my drawing has mostly crept along the sidelines. I did continue to draw architectural sketches for my design/building company, but my primary creative outlet along the way has been the piano. Now that music, via teaching, has become my profession, I’ve had the chance to reignite my passion for drawing…albeit with a magnifying glass to help me see now.


My pen and ink artwork is abstract and improvisational, yet the images have relatable elements and intricate details that lure the eye in. Each new drawing is a leap down the rabbit hole. I never know quite what I’m about to draw or where I will end up. Much like my music, I can riff off of my stream of consciousness, but the permanence of the ink makes every line and decision exciting as I guide my hand through the journey. 



